Submit Team Lineups
As a Club Administrator or Lineup Manager, you can add players and team officials of every club to the match. You need to click on on the tab of your club.

Add Players
To expand the list of Available players click on the Load Available players slide button. After the list is expanded it is possible to move players from/to lineup and choose roles of players.

Select from that list the players for the match, marking the corresponding fields on the right side of the players name. It is possible to select the following fields (use the arrow button)
L (if the player is in the line-up),
SL (if the player plays in the starting line-up),
GK (if the player is a goalkeeper),
CP (it the player is a captain).
Before you move the players over to the line-up you need to enter the shirt numbers, (without it it wont be possible to transfer them) and it is mandatory for at least one player to be a goalkeeper.
Sanctioned players are marked in red and depending on the configuration-specific for each country system can also block these players from being transferred to the line-up.
After you have marked all necessary players, press the arrow (a button on the top of the list of registered players on the rights side, next to the "Refresh" button).

Slide off the ‘'Load availble players’' button if you want to check just the Line up display

Add Team Officials
On the same screen, you can insert "Team officials". In order to do so:
Click on the "Edit" button to enable entering head coach, assistant coach, goalkeeper coach, physiotherapist, doctor, kitman, physical trainer and field officer.
Of course, on the condition that they already exist and are properly registered in the system.
To save the changes, press the "Save" button.

Confirm Lineups
Once you have entered all players and team officials, the final step is to confirm your lineups. To do this, click on the "Edit" button and then select Save as CONFIRMED.

After you have confirmed your lineups, they are considered official and you will not be able to make changes to the lineups anymore. In case that there is an extraordinary circumstance, e.g. a player was injured during warmup, you need to consult an authorized match official, and they will be able to make the change in the system