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Contract Approvals Console

The approval process for contracts is managed by Administrators, with varying access and responsibilities depending on their roles and the system's configuration. The Approvals menu is accessible in the left navigation bar of MyCOMET.

Administrator Roles and Tabs

Administrators will see tabs that correspond to their specific roles:

  • Players: Player Administrators reviewing contracts of players

  • Coaches: Coach Administrators review the contracts of coaches.

  • Staff: Staff Administrators reviewing contracts of team staff.

  • Officials: Official Administrators reviewing contracts of club officials.

Each tab provides a streamlined view of the submissions relevant to the administrator's role and a numeric badge displaying the number of contracts for which the administrator is required to review them.

contra app.png

Filters and Visual Indicators

For Review toggle

The For Review toggle allows administrators to filter contracts to only those for which action is required. Its functionality varies depending on the administrator type and the contract's nature (e.g., player, coach).

For Administrators of Players, Coaches, Staff, or Officials

In this case, the contractrdisplayed are for a club under the administrator's organization.

  • When the For Review Toggle is ON, the contract is in status SUBMITTED or TERMINATION SUBMITTED.

  • When the For Review Toggle is OFF, the contract is in other statuses not requiring action from the Administrator, such as RETURNED.


Additional filters, presented above the list of all contracts, enable filtering based on contract type, rank, gender, etc.

Notes Indicator

The Notes Indicator is a helpful visual tool that alerts administrators to additional information provided during the registration process:

  • Notes are represented by three horizontal stripes next to the relevant entry.

  • Hovering the mouse pointer over the stripes will display the notes in a tooltip, allowing administrators to quickly review important details without opening the full record.


Approvals Based on the Rank

The approval responsibilities can vary depending on the configuration set by the association:

  • National Association Approvals: Contracts from clubs with higher ranks (e.g., the first four ranks) are typically reviewed and approved by administrators at the national level.

  • Sub-Association Approvals: Contracts from clubs with lower ranks may be delegated to regional association administrators for approval.

This hierarchical approach ensures that the appropriate level of oversight is applied to each contract, maintaining compliance and consistency.

Processing a Contract

To update the status of a contract, you can click on the three dots in the rightmost column of the Approvals console.

edit status.png

Alternatively, you can click on any person's contract to be directed to the Contract Detail tab on the person’s profile. You can access more information about the contracts, status log, documents uploaded, personal data, past contracts, etc, before approving, rejecting, or returning the contract.

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