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Courses Management

COMET Course Management extension is an integrated software solution which combines key processes and data related to the organization of coaching courses and licenses. This module digitalizes and automates the process of seminar/course management for coaches and officials.

It enables self-registration, online application to seminars, applicant review and confirmation, tracking of outcomes (pass/fail), electronic issuance of licenses and diplomas.

Coach Education Management Extension is tailor-made to suit needs and a work-flow of a specific organization.

Course Management can also be combined with the Sales and Payments Module in order to allow participants to pay electronically for their application, participation or license.


Functionalities and Features

Course Events

Coaching categories. seminar/course details, applicants/attendees, instructors, outcome/grade (pass/fail) of the seminar

Titles & Licenses

Integration of Course events with Coaching Titles/Licenses, triggers for automated activation/deactivation of licenses

Application Workflow

Self-registration, application rules and constraints, configurable mandatory/optional fields and documents, participant confirmation and notifications

Coach users

View for Coach/Participant users, register as a new user, complete/edit personal data, course application, view status of applications

Printed documents

Print options for Seminar/Course diplomas, and Licenses/IDs

Course options

Integration of various product types per Course, generation of HTML link for applicants

Reports and Statistics

Advanced reports relevant for Course Management related to Courses, Applicants, Diplomas/Licenses

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