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Events for Substitute Players

If a player is not in the initial line-up, the events for him open in the same way, but they will look a bit different, that is, they will contain a different data.

The same as in a case of a player in the first line-up you will see:

  • the ID of a player

  • a shirt number

  • a name of a player

If the player enters the game:

  • Click on the specific player from the Lineup list (the one that is being substituted)

  • Insert the minute of the entry and mark the event "Substitution"

  • Select the substituted player

After that, it will be possible to enter the events related to that player (yellow and red cards, etc.)

All the entered events (yellow and red cards, goals, own goals, substitutions, etc.) are visible on the list of a line-up, on the right side of the screen, by the list of players.

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