My Active Cases
You can access your active cases by clicking the menu item My active cases.
The list of all of your cases in the status "ENTERED" will open.

As if it was mentioned previously, a red card automatically starts a disciplinary case, that prevents a player from playing. When the "red card" event is inserted on the player, it is immediately visible on the line-up table (See image below).

After inserting red card in the Competition Module, the disciplinary case status is set to "DECISION MADE". In order to open it, press the menu item "Search cases". The player is automatically sanctioned and has to serve the automatic one-match suspension. Until that match is played, he will be marked in red in the Competition Module.

In case the player has to serve more than one match, the sanctions need to be inserted through the Disciplinary Module. In order to do so, select the case from the search list to insert additional sanctions into the system. The procedure of entering new sanctions is done the same way, as it was described previously. The procedure of changing statuses was previously described as well. Select the sanction, press the "Edit" button then change the "ENTERED" status to "CLOSED" or to "CANCELED".