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New Disciplinary Case

A disciplinary case can be opened against each entity in COMET; it can be opened against referees, coaches, and officials, but most frequently, it is opened against players. In all the cases mentioned, the workflow is the same.

To activate a New Disciplinary Case:

  • Click the menu item New case, and the form for entering a new case will open

  • Complete all mandatory fields (marked in red): select offender type (player, referee, delegate, etc.), then organization and competition, date and match, and a person (or any other entity) that has committed a foul.

  • On the right side of the screen, there is a field for entering paragraphs that explain sanctions for certain fouls.

  • Enter the date of a decision and describe a foul in a text box.

Once you have entered all mandatory data and pressed the ๐Ÿ’พ Save button, a new case is stored in the system. The status is automatically set to "ENTERED", and a system generates a COMET ID.

๐Ÿ’ก You can still search, select, and modify a case by clicking the "Search cases" item. After that, the list of all cases will open. Select a case to open its details. If necessary, the details can be changed.

๐Ÿ’ก On the same screen is an Add sanction tab. Click on it to open a window to select a sanction type. Note that it varies according to the offender type; applicable sanctions are not the same for persons and organizations.

It is possible to obtain more than one sanction for one offense.

After you click โ€‹the ๐Ÿ’พ Save button, selected sanctions are stored in the system, and they become visible on the list of sanctions of a certain disciplinary case (in status ENTERED). A sanctioned status is set to ACTIVE.

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