Retro Competitions
After the successful implementation of COMET, it is often the case that some Football Federations decide to enter information for previous competitions and store it in the system.
When creating competitions that were played in the past - RETRO COMPETITIONS, you don’t need to send any notifications of assignments or finalized reports to the end-users.
For example, when assigning referees to the match, referees receive e-mails in which they have to either confirm or decline their assignment to the match.
Retro competitions are created automatically by changing the season to previous years.
To enter Retro competition:
Select the menu item New Competition under the Competitions menu on the left nav-bar
Select the Season of the Retro Competition
By changing the season to the previous years system automatically changes status of the Competition to RETRO
To avoid sending unnecessary notifications for retro competitions, we have introduced 2 new statuses:
ENTERED RETRO - for matches generated in the retro competitions and
CONFIRMED RETRO - for official match roles, for competition roles, and for competition clubs.
For Retro competitions COMET sets :
Initial match status to ENTERED RETRO
Initial competition club status to CONFIRMED RETRO
Initial match role status and initial competition role status to CONFIRMED RETRO.
These settings can’t be changed for RETRO competitions.
Notice that matches are in status ENTERED RETRO. From this status, the only available status transition is PLAYED.
Additonally, there is a possibility on the New competition from on the Registration tab to set the inital Competition status and initial status of the matches to CONFIRMED RETRO.