Search Matches
To access the Matches and make changes in matrix form, you can use the Search Matches console (for searching and assigning match officials to the match)
Select Competitions> 🔎 Search matches on the left nav-bar
The screen similar to the New match from will appear on the screen with the list of all filters
The search filter consists of:
Type - a mandatory search field as different type options (Club, Regional Team, National Team) may have different definitions of match officials
Organization - a mandatory search field for searching matches (usually set as user organization)
Discipline - a mandatory search field which in combination with gender defines the sport if disciplines are enabled in the tenant (if discipline is not enabled, the field is not showed)
Gender - a mandatory search field which in combination with discipline defines the sport (if discipline is not enabled, the field is not showed)
Club type - a mandatory search field which defines the sport in tenants where disciplines are not enabled (if discipline is enabled, the field is not showed)
Age category - makes it possible to search matches only for the selected age category
Date from - allows to search matches which have date/time after the selected date from
Date to - allows to search matches which have date/time before the selected date to (one day is added to the date to in order to find the matches on the day if the same date is used for a date from and date to)
Without match date - allows finding matches which do not have any date/time set
if the date from and/or date to are selected, then the search action will find all the matches with date/time inside date period or without any date/time set
if the date from and date to are both empty, then the search action will find only the matches without any date/time yet
Competitions - allows selection of one or more parent or child competitions to search only matches belonging to the selected competition(s)
Club - allows searching of matches where the selected club is one of the opponents
Round - allows searching of matches in a specific round
Match officials - does not have any effect on searching the records, but instead:
Unavailable - makes it possible to show in red the assigned official who is not available on the selected match date/time
Assigned on the same day - makes it possible to show in red the official who is assigned to more than one match on the same day
Stadiums - does not have any effect on searching the records, but instead:
Unavailable - makes it possible to show in red the selected match stadium which is not available on the selected match date/time
Booked on the same day - makes it possible to show in red the stadium which is booked more than once on the same day