User Interface Options
Another benefit of the User Interface changes and technology upgrades to COMET 5.0 is its customization options. We wish to extend as many of the same options to you. With each item described below, please note that:
these options are tenant-specific,
they affect all of your users,
they take effect immediately.
These are the options and defaults that you can select:
Web Logo – Logo image used on various COMET screens. Typically, this logo will show on all screens at the top left corner of your browser window. We recommend using an image with a transparent background and strong colors so that it shows well on a dark background or light background.
Print Logo – If this is still relevant, the image is used to print on PDF or paper. This image could have a white background since all print reports are generated with a white background.
Favicon – A mini logo image is shown on browser tabs beside the title. Most browsers support this option. Images typically have square proportions.
Background* – Custom background image on the login screen, when users first open your COMET web login page. Use good quality images with at least a widescreen aspect ratio (16:9).
Theme Colors
Login panel color* – Choose the color used on the login panel, which goes well with the background image.
Theme color - Choose the default theme color for new users, which they can always change later based on their preferences.
Background mode - Choose the default background mode (Light or Dark) for new users, which they can always change later based on their preferences.
Menu mode - Choose the default menu mode (Overlay or Static) for new users, which they can always change later based on their preferences.
Login Panel Position* – Specify your users' relative login panel position, which works well with the background image selected for the login page.
IMPORTANT: Login screen look and feel customizations (marked with *) are available only for tenants with their own COMET access link (single-tenant implementations or tenants with their unique COMET subdomain).