User Roles & Workflows
Defining User Role is an important part of the Club Licensing process. Every role has permission/ set of permissions to perform a certain action within the Club Licensing Workflow.
Every user of the application may have one or more roles.
Here is a list and a brief explanation of each role in the Club Licensing module:
Licensing Administrator | Head of the process, responsible for creating and updating Licensing Application Types. User with this role administrates all the processes related to Club Licensing. Licensing Administrator will be responsible for Confirming and Rejecting Stadium Inspections. Depending on configuration, Licensing Administrator will also have the role of User Creator. |
Stadium inspector | User responsible for submitting the Stadium’s application for the Applications where one has been appointed. In these Applications, the Stadium Inspector will collect all the evidences and fill in all the necessary information. |
Licensing Manager | The facilitator who creates new Applications for Clubs from the existing Application Types created by Licensing Administrator. Users with this role can do potential corrections in the Workflow, e.g. if the status is changed incorrectly, and can manage users and roles in their organization (MA). Depending on the configuration, Licensing Manager will also have the role of User Creator. Licensing Manager is responsible for changing status of each category from Submitted to Reviewed. |
Licensing Expert (CAF- FIB Member) | User assigned to the categories of the application. Users with this role can view all the categories of the applications under their organization and are responsible for making a decision on behalf of the First Instance Body (changing status of the application to Confirmed/Rejected), provided that they are added to at least one Category under that Application. Licensing Expert / FIB Member is not allowed to change category statuses. |
Appeal Body (CAF- AB Member) | An independent decision-making body. User with this role decides on appeals submitted (status Appealed) and makes a final decision on whether a license should be granted or rejected. |
Licensing Club Responsible (CAF - Applicant Club) | User fully responsible for the football club participating in national and international club competitions which applies for a license. The user with this role is responsible for submitting Club’s application. |
Spot Check | User has read-only access to confidential information of all the Licensing Applications in his/her organization and all the organizations below it in the hierarchy. This person can also view all public information which is also available to any COMET user. |