Privacy Options
For purpose of hiding some data in COMET LIVE Apps, there is a Privacy field on Player, Competition and Club profiles in COMET.
Player Privacy
Due to GDPR and other legal requirements, personal data of players (such as photo or age) may need to be hidden from publicly accessible apps. This is controlled in COMET by with a Privacy Setting on a person’s profile. It possible to:
go to the Profile of that Player
Go to Tab Additional Info
Click on Edit, update the Privacy field, and then click Save
There are several privacy options for a player:
Choose (Show All): No restrictions
Hide Age (5): Player’s name is shown on match reports and profile is accessible. Age of the player is not shown anywhere.
Hide Photo (10): Player’s name is shown on match reports and profile is accessible. Photo of the player is not shown anywhere.
Hide Profile (20): Player’s name is shown on match reports only. All other personal data is hidden, and profile is inaccessible.
Hide All (30): Player’s name is obfuscated, and not even shown on match reports. All personal data is hidden, and profile is inaccessible.
Competition Privacy
Competition data may need to be hidden to some extent from publicly accessible apps, e.g. with child competitions with one-sided matches. This is controlled in COMET by with a Privacy Setting on a competition’s profile.
go to the Profile of that Competition
Go to Tab General settings
Click on Edit, update the Privacy field, and then click Save
There are 4 several privacy options for a competition:
Choose (Show All): means there are no restrictions
Hide standings: Competition Standings are not shown.
Hide events (20): TMatch Timeline and Match Lineups are not shown. Competition Standings and Stats are not shown.
Hide results (30): On top of the above, results are not visible. So, only competition schedule and match info are shown.
Hide all (40): Competition and its matches are entirely invisible and do not appear in search results.
Club Privacy
Club data may need to be hidden to some extent from publicly accessible apps, e.g. International Clubs or Inactive Clubs may be hidden from Search results. This is controlled in COMET by with a Privacy Setting on a club’s profile.
go to the Profile of that Club
Go to Tab Competition
Click on Edit, update the Privacy field, and then click Save
There are 2 privacy options for a club:
Choose (Show All): means there are no restrictions
Hide (10): Club does not appear in search results.