Relevant COMET Settings
Stadium Geolocation
COMET LIVE provides a Map View of all matches played on a certain date using Stadium geolocation (longitude and latitude) and is by default centered using device location. Also, it provides ad eep-link to Map Apps installed on the device (such as Google Maps, Apple Maps, or Yandex) from Map View, Match Info Tab, Club Contacts Tab, etc.

Presentation of matches in map view is a very valuable feature for football fans to search for matches in their vicinity. However, for this feature to work seamlessly, all stadiums in COMET system need to have the geolocation (longitude and latitude) entered. Geolocation can be copied from the map website (such as Google Maps) and then pasted on the respective field on the Stadium profile (as shown in violet on the below screen).

Photos and Logos
The photos of COMET persons and logos of COMET clubs and competitions are shown in COMET LIVE and make their respective entities easier to recognize, make the app visually more attractive, and in general improve the user experience of the apps.
It is therefore recommended to upload in the COMET system:
the photos of all persons registered in COMET
the logos of all clubs in COMET
the logos of all COMET Competitions
Examples of nice presentation of photos and logos in COMET LIVE is shown on the below screens:

Short Names and International Names
The most prominent entities in COMET (Organizations/Associations, Clubs, Competitions, Facilities) have a short name, in addition to the formal/official name. Short names, if entered, are used in COMET LIVE. For example, the formal name of the club in COMET is “HNK Hajduk Split š.d.d.), while its short name is “Hajduk”. Short name “Hajduk” is passed via the COMET LIVE API.
In Associations where the local alphabet is not Latin, on top of default/local names, we also allow entry of international names for Organizations/Associations, Clubs, Competitions, Facilities, Persons. In these associations, if the language setting of the device is not local, e.g. it is set to English, then the international names will be shown. E.g. in Belarus Football app, if the smartphone language is set to Belarussian or Russian, the names of players, clubs, competitions, etc., will be shown in original version (Cyrillic alphabet), and otherwise names will be shown in international version (Latin alphabet).
On the below screen you can see an example of a competition with short names and international names. The short names (marked green below) will be presented in COMET LIVE. Which version will be shown (local or INT) will depend on the language setting of the device.