Allow Dispensations
Standard competition rules specify that players are eligible to play in their own age category, which includes both the gender and age requirement. However, in some cases dispensations (exceptions) are allowed for players, e.g. 15 year old player playing for seniors, or female players playing for a male team.
The “Allow dispensations” competition parameters allows Competition Managers or Administrators to add individual players to the roster that would otherwise not qualify according to the age category rules. Note that this option ONLY applies to the competitions that use rosters (catalogues).
If the option is checked, then competition admins/managers/superusers can expand the list of registrations available for the roster (catalogue). Once the roster is filled, the list of players is available for the lineup too.
Only competitions with rosters can use this feature when adding players to lineups.
Allow Dispensations on Competition
Enable Allow Dispensations on the competition: If enabled (and catalogue/roster is used) it will be possible to add any registered player into the roster, irrespective of age/gender, and all added players will be available in the lineup.
Add Players with Dispensation
Add players with dispensation into the roster: When adding players to the roster, by default only players that are eligible in that Age Category are shown. However, by clicking on Allow Dispensations checkbox the list will be extended to all registered players in the club, irrespective of age/gender. All players added to the roster will be eligible in the lineups.