Club-to-Club Transfer
This tool aims to help you transfer all active registrations of players, coaches, staff, and officials from the source club to the destination club on a specific date. There are various applications of this functionality worldwide, most often when a Club ceases to exist and is officially succeeded by another Club.
You can access this tool in the COMET Admin App (add /appadmin to your COMET homepage address) → Registration → Club-to-Club Transfer menu.
The screen is designed to guide you through a few simple steps:
In the first step, you must select the source and destination club, specify the end date for active registrations at the source club and the start date of new registrations for the destination club, and type in a note that will be copied to the status log of each affected registration. There are several rules to keep in mind:
The start date of the new registration should be at least 1 day after the end of the previous registration. (Note: In special cases, if your configuration permits, the end date and start date can be on the same day.)
The end date of the registrations for the source club must be after any matches are played or scheduled for the source club.
In the second step, the system will validate all important success conditions and present a summary of the current status. If the required conditions are not met, you will also see a warning message explaining why you cannot proceed with this process. For example:
Nothing to transfer.
Cannot make a transfer for the selected end date since there are contracts for the source club that are either active or ended after the end date.
Cannot make a transfer for the selected end date since there are match appearances for the source club after that date.
In the final step, you are asked again to confirm the club-to-club transfer process. If all required conditions are met, you can complete the transfers, and the system will present a final summary of the results.
Be mindful when using any of the Administration app functionalities since most of the actions are irreversible.