Create a New User
This information is relevant only for SUPERUSERS of the organization. SUPERUSERS are responsible for creating new user accounts and assigning roles for each person who will have access to the COMET system.
New User
Go to Administration menu of the left nav-bar
Select the menu item New User
Fill out the user registration form with all required information for this person
Select the organization type and then choose the specific organization for this user profile
Finally, select one or more user Roles which correspond to the role of this person in the selected organization and Save
ATTENTION: Please note that certain roles require that you “connect” the user profile with a registered person in Comet (e.g. role of Referee requires a “connection” to a person in Comet who is currently registered as a referee within the same organization)
The roles assigned to a user profile defines the permissions within the COMET System.
The table with the list of Roles and explanations is listed in this article, please consult the table to choose the correct role of the New User.

List of Roles
Here is a list and a brief explanation of most common roles:
SUPERUSER OF THE ORGANIZATION | Has permission to perform all actions in the system, has access to confidential information as well as public information. Superuser has the ability to enter, modify and delete all data records in his domain. All support tickets created by the end-users are first submitted for review and resolution to the Superuser. |
ADMINISTRATOR OF INTERMEDIARIES | Administrator of Intermediaries can enter and change data of intermediaries (individuals and agencies) and can also enter data about contracts of representation and keep evidence of intermediaries' involvement in player transfers or player contracts (made in their national association). |
ADMINISTRATOR OF NATIONAL TEAM | This person handles registrations of players and coaches for the national team and has permission to create, edit, modify and close national team matches under his jurisdiction. |
CLUB MANAGER | This person prepares and enters all the information about players (and all other club personnel) of his/her club. This includes public information and confidential information for each person, as well as any uploaded documents. Club Referents will also be involved in preparing team sheets (starting line-up, substitute players, coaches, technical staff and other team officials on the bench) for their upcoming matches. Depending on Competition rules (reflected in system configuration), Club Referent may not be able to make changes after some cut-off time and will not be able to see the opponent’s team sheet. |
CLUB REGISTRATION MANAGER | This person is responsible for managing all aspects of registration for players, coaches, staff, and officials associated with their club. This role is essential for ensuring that all personnel information is accurate and up to date within the system. Unlike the Club Manager, the Club Registration Manager cannot prepare or modify team sheets (e.g., starting line-ups, substitute players, or officials on the bench). Their focus is solely on managing registrations and ensuring all personnel data is accurate and approved. |
TEAM LINEUP MANAGER | This person is responsible for preparing line-ups for his club or its teams including provisional lists, catalogues, and final match line-up. |
ADMINISTRATOR OF PLAYERS | This role has permissions to manage registrations of all players for all Clubs in his/her organization and below. This includes full access to both public and confidential information for players. This role is available for users at the National Association level or at the Regional Association level. |
ADMINISTRATOR OF COACHES | This role has permissions to manage registrations of all coaches for all Clubs in his/her organization and below. This includes full access to both public and confidential information for coaches. This role is available for users at the National Association level or at the Regional Association level. |
ADMINISTRATOR OF OFFICIALS | This person is responsible for entering all registrations and contracts of officials in his organization. He/she has access to public and confidential information for officials, can make corrections to it, can confirm all registrations, contracts, and contract terminations. |
ADMINISTRATOR OF REFEREES | This person is responsible for entering and managing all registrations and personal information about referees and referee assessors in his/her organization. He/she has access to public and confidential information for referees and can make corrections to it. Referee Administrator is also responsible for managing referees for competitions and matches that are in his/her domain (= all competitions managed by the user’s parent organization). This includes the following functionality: defining teams of referees/assessors that are qualified for a competition; appointing referees/assessor to individual matches; reviewing referee match reports; reviewing and confirming referee assessor reports; preparing various reports and statistics that include confidential data about referee grades given by assessors, etc. |
ADMINISTRATOR OF CLUBS | This role is responsible for managing all information for clubs (and teams) in his/her organization. The workflow for managing clubs is fairly simple and it is typically handled centrally. The same rules apply to football clubs, futsal clubs, beach soccer clubs, etc. |
ADMINISTRATOR OF STADIUMS | This role is responsible for managing all information for stadiums (and all other types of venues or sporting facilities) in his/her organization. The workflow for managing information about facilities is fairly simple and it is typically handled centrally. The same rules apply to stadiums, outdoor football fields, indoor arenas, etc. |
DISCIPLINARY ADMINISTRATOR | This person is responsible for managing all disciplinary cases and sanctions in his/her domain (= organization of the user and hierarchically below). Disciplinary proceedings can be initiated against any football stakeholder, organization or person. Some sanctions are created automatically by the system since the rules are clear and simple (e.g. if a player gets a red card during the match, he/she is expelled and sanctioned with 1 match suspension). Other cases and sanctions must be managed by the Disciplinary Administrator since sanctions are depending on decisions of disciplinary committees and other internal processes. Disciplinary Administrator can also register Disciplinary Managers and appoint them to specific matches. |
DISCIPLINARY MANAGER | This role is only available for registered “Disciplinary Managers” in the system. This person can be registered by the Superuser or the Disciplinary Administrator and can be assigned to one or more specific competitions. In that case, the user with this role will be responsible for managing disciplinary cases and sanctions for Clubs and persons participating in those specific matches. Functionally, Disciplinary Manager can perform all actions that the Disciplinary Administrator can do. However, the scope is limited to just those competitions where he/she is assigned. |
COMPETITION ADMINISTRATOR | This person is responsible for creating and managing competition data and scheduling matches for all competitions in his/her domain. Match reports are typically handled by other users, however, a user with this role has the ability to modify their input if necessary. Competition Administrator can also register Competition Managers, Match Commissioners, Match Coordinators, and appoint them to specific matches. |
COMPETITION MANAGER | This role is only available for registered “Competition Managers” in the system. This person can be registered by the Superuser or the Competition Administrator and can be assigned to one or more specific competitions. In that case, the user with this role will be responsible for managing competition data, scheduling matches, and appointing match commissioners and match coordinators to specific matches. Functionally, the Competition Manager can perform all actions that the Competition Administrator can do. However, the scope is limited to just those competitions where he/she is assigned. |
REFEREE APPOINTER | This person is responsible for appointing referees to the competitions and matches. |
REFEREE | This role is only available for registered Referees which are entered in the system. Users with this role have the ability to enter/edit information about the matches in which they participate. For the user with this role, there are some helpful consoles on the main menu, which allow them to access their assigned matches. Only those referees that were assigned as the primary Referee on a match, will have permission to officially „close“ the match report. |
REFEREE ASSESSOR | This role is only available for registered referee observers which are entered in the system. Users with this role have the ability to enter/edit referee observer reports on the matches in which they participate. For the user with this role, there are some helpful consoles on the main menu, which allow them to access their assigned matches. |
DELEGATE | This role is only available for registered Delegates that are entered in the system. Users with this role have the ability to enter/edit Delegate or any other custom report on the matches in which they participate. |
USER CREATOR | User creator role is very different then all others, because it only works in conjunction with other Administration level roles. If the user creator is at the same time the Administrator of Referees, he can create user accounts for new referees and for new referee observers. If he has the role of the Administrator of Competitions, he can also create user accounts for delegates and competition managers. The “other” role essentially defines the context for the User creator role, which then allows him to create users of some specific type. |
MEMBER | A person with a Member role has the ability to login to MyCOMET. MyCOMET is the app used by players and coaches for purchasing registrations and football equipment, submitting seminar applications... |
GUEST USER | Guest user role has read-only access to all public information in the system, but cannot perform any other action. |
COMET DATA SUPERUSER | COMET Users who have this role assigned have an identical set of permissions (hierarchically) in the COMET Data Platform as COMET Superuser but the superuser's set of permissions is not applied in the COMET App. |