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Ease of Use Features

As you begin to use the COMET system regularly, you will notice certain features specially designed to improve efficiency and ease of use.

Some of these features are more obvious than others, so let’s take a look at the list:

  • Auto-complete feature for names of persons, countries, regions, and cities (e.g., when you start to type “Par” for the name of the country, the system generates a list of available options)

  • Auto-format feature for names of persons, countries, regions, and cities (e.g., automatically changes lowercase to capital letters)

  • Selecting common options by default (e.g. status = active, nationality=client’s country)

  • Menus and tools are arranged by usage & grouped logically

  • User customization features (e.g., language, colors, toolbars)

  • Shortcuts for entering dates in the system: Entering Dates in the System

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