Electronic ID Configuration
In order to generate Electronic ID, an appropriate JSON file should be uploaded into the template as an Electronic ID file type.
IDcard.json (file)
"style":"event ticket",
"label":"#{msg.getString((be.organization.type.parent!=null and be.organization.type.parent.id==conf.getLong('app.organizationType.club.id'))?'label.club':'label.organization')}",
"key":"Age category",
"value":"#{be.person.getPersonAge() > 15 ? 'Adult' : 'Junior'}"
"key":"Date of registration",
"value":"#{util.formatDate(be.dateFrom, conf.getString('app.dateFormat', tenant))}"
"key":"Date of birth",
"value":"#{util.formatDate(be.person.dateOfBirth, conf.getString('app.dateFormat', tenant))}"
"label":"#{msg.getString((be.organization.type.parent!=null and be.organization.type.parent.id==conf.getLong('app.organizationType.club.id'))?'label.club':'label.organization')}",
"key":"Date of registration",
"value":"#{util.formatDate(be.dateFrom, conf.getString('app.dateFormat', tenant))}"
2. IDcard2.json (file)
If you want to print the logo of registration's organization (dynamic - depends on the organization) rather than uploaded the logo to the template (static - always the same for template), use this for "logo_path" under "images" in JSON:
2. If you want to add information about the last active title/license of the registration, add this snippet to "auxiliary fields" or "backFields":
3. If you want to print age category which is set on registration rather than using hard-coded text, use:
"key":"Age category",
For more info please contact your KAM or Analyticom Support team