List of Suspension Scopes
The suspension is a formal football punishment in form of a ban on taking part in match(es) and on attending them. The Suspension may be imposed on a player or an official.
Competition - suspends person in same competition or in competition under same parent as is the competition of sanction's disciplinary case
Competition type - suspends person in competition of same type as is the type of the competition of sanction's disciplinary case
Competition element - suspends person only a in single Competition Element without affecting other competitions within the same Parent Competition as is the competition element of sanction's disciplinary case
Age category - suspends person in competition of same age category as is the age category of the competition of sanction's disciplinary case (please, note that ids of age categories should be the same as there is seniors category for some tenant under one id, for some other tenant under some second id and for national team under some third id and those categories are not considered as same)
Sport - suspends person in competition of same sport as is the sport of the competition of sanction's disciplinary case (please, note that international competitions are divided from national competitions because AFA's default suspension scope is sport, but persons suspended in AFA should not be suspended in CONMEBOL competitions)
Organization team type - suspends person in national team competitions if sanction's disciplinary case is connected to a national team competition or suspends person in club competitions if sanction's disciplinary case is connected to a club competition (please, note that this scope makes sense for usage only in CONMEBOL and CONCACAF and it also differentiates between friendly and official competition types since suspension in an official match should not suspend person in the friendly match and vice versa)
Organization age category - person is marked as suspended only in the matches of competitions of same organization and same age category.
Organization - Makes person suspended only if organization of disciplinary case equals organization of the match/competition.
Organization hierarchically - Makes person suspended only if organization of disciplinary case equals organization of the match/competition or if organization of disciplinary case is hierarchically above the organization of the match/competition. The organizations in hierarchy are searched only under same tenant as is the tenant of the match/competition (ie. confederation or world federation suspension is ignored for domestic match and vice versa).
Tenant - suspends person in any competition managed by the same tenant (most tenants are either National associations or Confederations, and each manage their own competitions)
All - suspends person everywhere (in domestic and international competitions). This option must be used with caution, since it may impact other tenants in a multi-tenant environment. Make sure your disciplinary allow for this option.