Scope on Sanction
Every sanction added to the disciplinary case contains information about suspension scope and serving scope. When a new sanction is added, the system will set proposed values for suspension scope and serving scope based on system settings (Competition, Competition Type, Age Category, Sport, etc.).
The list of sanctions of the disciplinary case contains two more columns: suspension scope and serving scope. Dialog for adding/editing sanction contains fields for defining suspension and serving the scope of sanction.
To add a new sanction to the disciplinary case:
Chose the Discplicirany case from the Discplicirany menu
Click the ➕ Add sanction button under the Sanctions tab of the Disciplinary case form
This opens a New Sanction pop-up window with details to fill in:
sanction type
date from
date to
value (depends on sanction type)*
suspension scope (chose from a drop-down list of Suspension Scopes)**
serving scope (chose from a drop-down list of Serving Scopes)**
note (note field for your references)
Once you have entered all the data press 💾 the Save button
✅ The new Sanction is successfully stored in the system
*When a new sanction is added, the system will set proposed values for suspension scope and serving scope based on system settings. For example, it might set the values based on defaults.
**Suspension scope and serving scope can be defined for every default sanction. If default sanction contains some suspension scope, it will be used for automatic creation of sanction rather than using the defaults from the tenant's properties file.