Limit Scope to Competition Element
Improvements were made to the list of options available for specifying the scope of a sanction, both Suspension scope and Serving scope. Competition Administrators and Managers can specify the default scope of any automatic sanction created in their competitions. Disciplinary Admins and Managers can control the scope of all disciplinary cases in their domain. If appropriate and in compliance with their disciplinary rules, those authorized users can define the Suspension scope and/or Serving scope of a sanction to be limited to a single Competition Element where it was created, without affecting other competitions within the same Parent Competition.
The information is visible to the same roles who are allowed to see the disciplinary cases (Disciplinary Administrators, Superusers)
Every sanction added to the disciplinary case contains information about suspension scope and serving scope. When a new sanction is added, the system will set proposed values for suspension scope and serving scope based on system settings (Competition, Competition Type, Age Category, Sport, etc.).
⚠ However, in some scenarios, the new sanction needs to be added to the specific competition (Competition Element/ Child Competition) without affecting other competitions within the Parent Competition.
To add new sanction to the disciplinary case:
Chose the Discplicirany case from the Discplicirany menu
Click the ➕ Add sanction button under the Sanctions tab of the Disciplinary case form

This opens a New Sanction pop-up window with details to fill in (sanction type, date from and to, value, suspension scope, serving scope, and note field)
🆕 Now, from the drop-down list of the suspension scope and serving scope data fields you can choose the Competition element as a suspension scope or a serving scope

Once you have entered all the data press 💾 the Save button
✅ The new Sanction is successfully stored in the system

When the suspension scope is set to the Competition element, the suspension is active only in that competition and not on other competitions even if competitions are under the same parent.