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Login and Logout

When you install the app for the very first time and choose to open it, you will be presented with a few choices. 

Note that this is the login screen for the app, where you must provide the following information:

  • Your association (choose by selecting the correct logo on top)

  • Choose to access the DEMO environment or PROD environment (this is similar to accessing demo or prod Comet web application)

  • Your Comet username and

  • Your Comet account password (same as accessing Comet web)

Once you are logged in, your mobile device will keep you logged in until you choose to log out or make some changes to your phone.

If you wish to switch between the DEMO and PROD environment, you will be required to log out first, then make the appropriate selection on the login screen.

In order to logout:

  • Click on the profile icon in the bottom left of your screen

  • This will open a Mange Menu with the updated set of functionalities

  • Log out of the app by clicking the Logout button at the bottom of the Screen

Please visit the following article for more details about general account settings:

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