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Merge Users

Over the years, for any number of reasons, some users may have created or imported multiple user accounts for the same person. If they are aware of or encounter users with multiple accounts, this tool allows them to “merge” duplicated users. The goal is to have a single account per person, with its unique username, password, email address, and, if needed, multiple user profiles.

The Merge Users tool is accessible in the COMET Admin App (by adding /appadmin to the COMET homepage address) → Registration → Merge Users menu.

As shown on the screen, the user must select the Source and Destination users, searching by their unique username.  After clicking and confirming the merge, the system will copy any active user profile from the source to the destination account and deactivate/disable the source account with any related profiles. The source account is only kept as a reference for audit history purposes but is essentially rendered useless.  The destination account becomes the one account with the valid username and password combination.

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