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Support Workflows

There are three levels of support available to address your questions and requests:

  • L0 - Level 0 - Superuser below Tenant Level (e.g. Regional Association)

  • L1 - Level 1 = Superuser at Tenant Level (e.g. National association)

  • L2 - Level 2 = Analyticom’s COMET Support

Standard Tenant Workflow

In standard configuration, when a user submits a ticket, it is first addressed by a Superuser at Confederation or National Association (L1 Superuser) and gets its initial status OPEN L1

The L1 Superuser can then:

  • resolve the issue, and close the ticket (status CLOSED)

  • return the ticket to Reporter with request to provide additional info/clarification (status WAITING)

  • escalate the ticket to Analyticom’s COMET Support (status OPEN L2).

Support Organization

It is possible to configure the support hierarchy, so that tickets are first addressed by the superuser a regional association, league or other type of sub-organization (L0 Superuser). Organizations whose superusers can accept tickets must be flagged as Support Organizations which is done upon request of the Tenant Superuser.

When a user submits a ticket, the system proposes all available Support Organizations under that Tenant, and presets by default the first one in the hierarchy of user’s organization.

For example:

  • Regional Association of Mendoza is NOT flagged as Support Organization (by default no orgs are flagged, until requested)

  • Regional Association of Buenos Aires is flagged as Support Organization

If a User of a club from Mendoza submits a ticket, it will be preset by default to level L1 and addressed by AFA (National Association)

If a User of a club from Buenos Aires submits a ticket, it will be preset by default to level L0 and addresses by superuser of Regional Association of Buenos Aires.

The L0 Superuser can then:

  • resolve the issue, and close the ticket (status CLOSED)

  • return the ticket to Reporter with request to provide additional info/clarification (status WAITING)

  • escalate the ticket to L1 Superuser (status OPEN L1).

If escalated, the L1 Superuser can then close the ticket, or return it back to L0 Superuser (L0) or escalate to Analyticom (L2)

In order to enable creation of support organizations below the level of tenant on your National Association/Organisation, please reach out by submitting a support ticket.

Each time the status of the ticket changes, or someone contributes to the conversation, all users involved in the ticket will get a new email notification.

All users involved in the ticket can decide to close the ticket at any time just by setting the status of the ticket to CLOSED.

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