Team Withdrawal
This feature helps authorized Superusers to withdraw a team from the competition which would automatically execute the following steps:
set all PLAYED and REMAINING matches of the selected team as CANCELED
change the status of the competition team to INACTIVE
discount any goals and appearances of players from their official statistics
no impact to active disciplinary sanctions
no impact to all served match suspensions
You can access this tool in the COMET Admin App (add /appadmin to your Comet homepage address) → Competition → Comp. Team Withdrawal menu.
Clicking on this menu item opens a 3-step wizard for withdrawing a team from a competition.
Choose Competition and Team
The first step of wizard contains parameters for choosing the competition and a team for withdrawal.
The form shows all active non-combination competitions belonging to user by organization hierarchy. It is possible to search for a competition by name or by id. Once the competition is chosen, the form loads all teams participating in the selected competition. It is possible to search for a team by name or by id as well.
As soon as the competition and team are both selected, button titled “Next” becomes enabled and user may proceed to the second step.
Please take into account that in case you need to replace the teams of the same club in the competition please enable the Replace Switch button and proceed with the instructions on the following linkTeam Replacement
Verify Withdrawal Data
The second step of wizard is a verification form which contains an information panel describing what will happen in the system on verifying withdrawal of chosen team in the chosen competition.
The button titled “Withdraw” is enabled only if there are PLAYED or REMAINING matches which could be CANCELED. Otherwise, the button is disabled and user may deactivate the team in COMET UI since there are no matches which should be CANCELED.
Clicking “Withdraw” button opens a confirmation dialog since executing the action will change the data in the database without the possibility to undo this action.
Summary of Team Withdrawal
If system successfully withdrew team from the competition, the Summary step is shown with information on number of matches per status in the competition for the chosen team.
All matches should be in CANCELED status and there should not be any PLAYED or REMAINING match.