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If a club's application is initially denied and the application status is set to FAILED, there is an appeal process that provides a second opportunity to review and possibly reverse the decision.

Initiating the Appeal

The appeal process is activated when the club decides to contest the initial decision by pressing the ‘Appeal Here’ button in the licensing application system.


This action signifies the start of the appeal process, and the application status is automatically updated to ‘Appeal in Progress.’


Preparing for the Appeal

Once the appeal is initiated, the club has the opportunity to strengthen its case by uploading additional documents and providing further comments. This is done by:

  1. Clicking the ‘Documents’ tab within the application.

  2. Uploading the necessary additional documents under the document type ‘Appeal document.’


Submitting the Appeal

After preparing and uploading the additional supporting documents, the club must submit these materials by pressing the ‘Submit Appeal’ button. This action formally submits the appeal for review.


Upon submission, the appeal is reviewed taking into account the new documents and comments provided. The outcome of this review is conclusive, and the club is notified whether the license will be approved or the initial decision will be upheld.

It is important to note that clubs are only allowed to appeal once. This emphasizes the need for clubs to be comprehensive and meticulous in preparing their additional documents and comments for the appeal.

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