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Course Application Types

All COMET Courses imply the self-registration process, i.e. participants can apply and undergo all steps of the application process from their COMET UI. A responsible person authorized to create and edit seminars can choose one of the predefined application types. Application types are designed to cover all scenarios of the application process. Below are the explanations of five Application types:

Pay after Approval

In this scenario, the applicant must first be approved by the administrator. If the application is approved, the applicant must pay to confirm participation. Workflow consists of the following steps:

  1. Course Applicant submits the application/fills the Application form → Application status is set to SUBMITTED

  2. Course Admin reviews the application. In case the application is:

    1. approved → application status is set to APPROVED

    2. not approved → the application status is set to RETURNED. Applicant can correct and resubmit the Application for review

  3. Once approved, the course Applicant pays for the application → the Application status is set to CONFIRMED

Just Apply (with Approval)

In this scenario, no payment is required; the applicant must be approved by the administrator. Workflow consists of the following steps:

  1. Course Applicant submits the application/fills the Application form → Application status is set to SUBMITTED

  2. Course Admin reviews the application. In case the application is:

    1. approved → application status is immediately set to CONFIRMED

    2. not approved → application status is set to RETURNED. Applicant can correct and resubmit the Application for review

Just Apply (no Approval)

In this scenario, no approval or payment is required. This Application Type has no workflow. Once the Course Applicant submits the application, it is automatically set to CONFIRMED.

Just Pay

In this scenario, no approval is required; the applicant must pay to confirm participation. This Application Type has no workflow. Once the Course Applicant pays, the application from the Course menu (as the initial step) is automatically set to CONFIRMED.

Pay Later

In this scenario, no approval is required, but the application and payment steps can be divided. The applicant can apply/book its place early and pay later.

  1. Course Applicant submits the application/fills the Application form → Application status is set to APPROVED

  2. Course Applicant can pay for the course participation later, once the course finishes → the application status is set to CONFIRMED

Please note that the application status cannot be set to PASS before it is set to CONFIRMED, so the applicant cannot pass the course successfully before the required approvals and payment have been made.


If the manual application type is selected, the course admins and managers have a manual way of adding participants. Notifying emails are not sent in this application type; there is no application period, and no license is created.

  1. Course Admin/Manager manually adds the participants → Application status is set to CONFIRMED

  2. Once the course finishes → the application status is set to PASSED or FAILED

For more information on adding participants to the course with the manual application type, please refer to Course Tabs | Participants-Tab article.

Here, the :copy: Copy application link button is unavailable, meaning you cannot copy the link to share or use elsewhere. This type of course is not public, so it will only be visible to users who have been specifically added to the course. It will not be searchable or accessible to the general public.

The following image presents a course with the Manual application type. As visible, in contrast with the previous course application types, there is no Items tab or :copy: Copy application link button, compared to the following image of any other course application type.

no item.PNG
other type.PNG

Please review the scheme of the workflow of each Application Type (excluding the Manual application type) scenario:

Automatic E-mails from the system.

Please take into account that the system automatically sends an email each time the seminar application's status transitions a certain way. No emails are sent for the Manual application type.

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