Club FIFA Category
Improvements were made to the Club Profile Form.
Club profile form has been extended to include the Category field. This allows authorized users (Superusers of the National Association and Administrator of Clubs in National/ Regional associations) to choose the FIFA Category of the club from a drop-down list.
💡 Choose the category from the drop-down list (category 1, 2, 3, 4) in accordance with FIFA regulations. We are referring to the FIFA categorization of clubs which impacts the calculation of training compensation amounts certain clubs will receive for training young players. Training categories per country and corresponding training costs per confederation are published by FIFA each year. Each member association is asked to allocate the categories to its clubs and update them when necessary.
💡 The Category Data Information can be entered when the New club is being added or when editing the Club which already exists in the system.
Player Registration and Category Field
FIFA regulations require that each player registration includes the Category value of the Club, at the moment the registration is recorded.
When a New Registration is created in Comet, the system automatically copies the current value of the Club's Category to the registration itself.
This feature, also, applies when the player is loaned or returns from a loan.