Edit Coach
Typically, during the first registration process, the user fills out only the required information.
To change or add the information on the Coach profile form:
Open the Profile of the Coach by using the Search console
Press the Edit button ✏
By clicking on the Edit button, the fields on the form become editable and you can change or add information about the chosen coach.
At some point, it may become necessary to modify existing data or add more information. You can use the fields provided on the Additional Information tab andAdministering Coaches Custom FieldsCustom attributes tab.
The Additional Information tab keeps the following data about the coach:
Additional personal documents
Coaching license level
Knowledge of languages
Physical characteristics (height, weight, clothing size, etc.)
Personal information (Education level, Martial status and similar)
The information on the tab labeled Custom attributes varies from country to country and the Administrator is responsible for creating the custom fields that you need to enter. The section that follows explains in more detail.