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First-time Registration

In order to register a new player, please continue to use the First registration tab

After entering all required data about the person and his/ her registration, the player will need to be confirmed.

After confirmation, there are two possibilities:

  1. There is no potential duplicate identified by the Connect ID Service. Therefore the player status will directly change to “confirmed” and the person will receive a new FIFA ID.

  2. There is one (or more) potential duplicate identified by the Connect ID Service. These will display in a new window. At this point, you have three options:

    1. Force register: Please use this button only if you are sure none of the displayed potential duplicates are records of the same person. The newly registered person will receive a new FIFA ID and his/ her status will change to “confirmed”.

    2. Choose: Please use this button if you are sure that the displayed potential duplicate is a record of the same person. This will start the merge process for this record (see section “merge”).

    3. Skip: Please use this button only if you urgently need to proceed with confirmation of the player or there is an issue that prevents you to confirm the player. The player status will change to “confirmed” but the person will NOT be registered with the FIFA Connect ID Service at this point.

Please note that the system will alert you if there is a person with the same data already registered in the COMET system. The warning message will display the option to load the existing person or to save the new registration regardless of the data which is already entered.

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