Organization FIFA ID Messages
The FIFA Connect ID is also issued for all associations, clubs, and facilities within your Association once they have been stored in active status for the first time in your COMET system. Furthermore, whenever any entity holding a FIFA ID is updated in the COMET system, this message is sent to the FIFA Connect ID service, and the details are updated accordingly.
You can find the FIFA ID of the Club/Association/Facility profile in the COMET UI, just below the COMET ID of the entity.

The following information is stored and updated in the FIFA Connect ID Service:
Parent Organisation
Local (long) name: full name in local characters as in an official registry, such as a state/government registry
Local short name: popular name in local characters as used in local media (e.g. newspaper or TV)
International (long) name: full name in Latin/Roman script as in an official registry, such as a state/government registry (or translation into Latin characters, if the official registry is only in local characters) - in countries using the Latin/Roman script, this is equivalent to Local Name
International short name: popular name in Latin/Roman script as used in international media (e.g. newspaper or TV) (or translation into Latin characters from local media, if no mention in international media) - in countries using the Latin/Roman script, this is equivalent to Local Name
Official address: the official address of the club, including country, town, and full address (e.g. postal code, street, number, as applicable). The address should be provided in Latin/Roman script.
Status: active or inactive (disaffiliated in TMS)
Training category: FIFA training category (1-4) of the club for each season (for clubs only)
Compliance and Payments Manager name
Compliance and Payments Manager email
The following example presents the information in the FIFA console:

The Compliance and Payment Manager is a standard registration type within Official category. Once the Official registration of this registration type is confirmed using the common registration process, the name and e-mail of the registered person will be sent to FIFA.

In the event that there is more than one Compliance and Payment Manager registered (Confirmed) for same Club, the system will consider/send the one with the maximum (latest) Start Date of the registration. If there are multiple email addresses, the system will send the email to the most recently entered address before the registration is confirmed.