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Configuring Survey Questions

The initial step of creating a survey is defining the survey questions.

  • Select Questions under the Surveys menu on the left nav-bar

  • The list of all Questions is displayed with two tabs Active*/ All, the list consists of the following details:

    • Name

    • Data type

    • Description

    • Default value status

    • The search box (use the search box to search the questions that are entered in the system)

  • Click on the ➕ Add button in the top right corner to create a new Survey Question

  • This opens a Survey Question page to fill in the details:

    • 1 ABOUT TAB:

      • Name

      • Description

      • Data type - choose between:

        • integer

        • decimal

        • text

        • date

        • datetime

        • true/false

        • list

        • file

      • Switch on buttons:

        • Mandatory - if the question is mandatory the survey form cannot be submitted if this question entry is not filled

        • Default value - if this feature is turned on, this value will be prefilled in the question filed on New Survey

        • Active /Inactive - *only questions that are set as active can be used on surveys; inactive questions are just displayed on the All tab

        • Deletable - the questions that are set as non deletable cannot be deleted by users

      • Once you have filled in the data hit the Save button


      • Depending on the datatype you have selected in the previous tab, on the configuration tab, you will be able to configure the data entries for the question. E.g:

        • If “date”/ ”datetime” is selected as the data type, on this tab you will be able to configure the date interval and text decoration (e.g. the color displayed in the calendar)

        • If text/ list is selected as the data type, on this tab you will be able to configure the text decoration and the color

      • Please take into account that Survey Questions can be stored in the system without filling the configuration tab

  • Once you have entered all the data press 💾 the Save button

Created survey questions are stored in the system and:

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