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Creating Predefined Survey Templates

Templates are predefined sets of Questions that are stored in the system for the purpose of being reused on different surveys. This features optimizes the administration process as there are certain survey forms that are reiterative.

  • Select 📑 Templates under the Surveys menu on the left nav-bar

  • The list of all created Templates is displayed with two tabs Active*/ All, the list consists of the following details:

    • Name

    • Description

    • Default value status

    • The search box (use the search box to search the survey templates that are entered in the system)

Create a new Template:

  • Click on the âž• Add button in the top right corner to create a Template

  • This opens a Survey Template dialog to fill in the details:

    • 1 ABOUT TAB:

      • Name

      • Description

      • Switch on buttons:

        • Default value - if this feature is turned on, this value will be prefilled in the template field on Surveys

        • Active /Inactive - *only templates that are set as active can be used on surveys; inactive templates are just displayed on the All tab

        • Deletable - the templates that are set as non-deletable cannot be deleted by MyCOMET users

      • Once you have filled in the data hit the Next button


      • Hit the Add button at the top right corner to add the question

      • Select the Question for your template

      • Select the template Templates Groups for each question

      • Hit the Save button

Created Survey Templates are stored in the system and can be (re)used on the surveys.

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