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Default Sanctions

The ability to specify Default sanctions per event type (and even per competition type) has been available in COMET since the development of the disciplinary module. Essentially, following your disciplinary code, you can specify the severity and combination of sanctions for any yellow card, sin bins or red card issued to players or to team officials on the bench.  For example, if a player is issued a red card for an act of violence, he is immediately suspended for 3 matches and also fined for 200 $.

This is the first time any of the system configuration data is presented to the end user. Moreover, this new feature gives the Superuser full transparency of the pre-defined default sanctions and allows full editing capability.  Note that any changes to this information are applied immediately.

You can access this tool in the COMET Admin App (add /appadmin to your Comet homepage address) → Competition → Default Sanctions menu.

Once you click on Default Sanctions on the main menu, you will see a message that tells you if this feature is currently active and in use by your organization (your tenant).  If so, then any change you make here is immediately active.  If this feature is not enabled, this gives you some time to work on the definition of default sanctions for various event types (and even competition types).

Let's go through the rules and the logic of this important section:

  • If Default sanctions are enabled for your tenant, COMET expects to see something configured in this section.  If there is nothing configured, then no disciplinary case and no default sanction will be created for any match event.

  • System logic looks for competition specific rules, then if it does not find them, it looks for general rules per event type (i.e. from more specific to more generic). You may have special rules for certain professional level competitions with stricter sanctions, while all other competitions have a milder generic set of rules.

  • If your disciplinary code specifies a combination of sanctions per some event type, then each sanction is specified separately (e.g. monetary fine needs its own definition, and suspension sanction needs its own row).

  • If your disciplinary code specifies an ever increasing set of sanctions, based on the order number of the card, then you must enter a new row for each event type + order number + sanction combination (e.g.  1st yellow card = 5 $, 2nd YC = 10 $, 3rd YC = 15 $, 3rd YC = 1 match suspension, etc).

  • Each time you want to Add a new item to the list, or Edit an existing definition, note that some fields are mandatory (e.g. Match event type, Sanction type) and others are not.

  • The pop-up entry screen also offers you helpful hints / explanations of what each field represents, so that you can choose or type the correct information.  To read the explanation, position your mouse over the ? next to the field name.

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