Registration Detail
If you click on a person's name in the Registration Approvals Console, My Club or Clubs Area, you will be taken to their profile, where several tabs organize and display information about their registrations and related details. Each tab focuses on a specific aspect of the individual's data, making it easy for Admins and Club Referents/Managers to access and review the information efficiently.
Details Tab
The Details tab includes all information relevant to the current registration, such as:
Status: The current state of the registration (e.g., ENTERED, SUBMITTED, CONFIRMED), including all previous status transitions
Registration: All relevant information such as registration type, level, date from/to, etc, and functions to add a new Contract, or generate a registration form.
Documents: All associated files, such as registration forms, photos, and clearance documents.
Club: Read-only Information about the club linked to the registration.

Person Tab
The Person Details tab provides personal information about the individual, such as Name, Date of Birth, National ID, Contact Information, Documents, etc. This data relates to the registered Person, and not that specific registration.

Registrations Tab
The Registrations Tab displays the individual's registration history, including all registration categories, e.g. Player, Coach, Refereee, etc. Depending on user authorizations, clicking on any registration will lead to the Registration Detail of that specific registration.
The left-most column contains a dot indicator with on-hover description:
Displayed Registration: This is the registration currently being displayed.
Previous Club: This is the registration/club from which the player transferred into the currently displayed registration/club
Next Club: This is the registration/club into which the player transferred from the currently displayed registration/club

Licences Tab
The Licences tab provides information about the individual’s active and inactive licenses, across all registration categories, such as referee and coach licenses

Events Tab
The Events tab shows all event participations of the registered person, sucha as Coach Education Courses.

Contract Tab
The Contract tab is an additional section that appears in the profile only when a contract is associated with the registration. This tab provides detailed information about the contractual agreement between the individual and the club or organization.

The Club Tab cannot be viewed by Club Registration Manager, only relevant Admins and Club Referents have access to it.
Access and Permissions
The system determines access to view or edit information based on the user's role and associated criteria.
Viewing Tabs
The above-mentioned tabs are visible if the following conditions are met:
For Members: You can view the Registration Detail of your own profile (The registered person is you)
For Course Admins: there is at least one event underneath your organizational hierarchy, where this person has participated
For Course Managers: You managed at least one event, where this person has participated
For Club Referents and Club Registration Managers: there is at least one registration under your organization.
For Player/Coach/Staff/Official Admins: You can view tabs if there is at least one active registration in the relevant category (and rank, if applicable) under your organization’s hierarchy.
For Non-Tenant Superusers: You can view tabs if there is at least one active registration (and rank, if applicable) within the relevant hierarchy.
For Admins of International Affairs: You can view tabs if there is at least one active registration within the hierarchy or outside any tenant.
For Tenant Superusers: You can view tabs if there is at least one registration or event participation within the tenant or associated with a user profile under the tenant.
Editing the Person Tab
You can edit the Person tab if the following conditions are met:
For Club Referents and Club Registration Managers: Editing is allowed if your organization allows Clubs to Edit Person Data and there is at least one registration in status ENTERED, RETURNED, or RETURNED INT within your club.
For Player/Coach/Staff/Official Admins: Editing is allowed if there is at least one active registration in the relevant category (and rank, if applicable) under your organization’s hierarchy.
For Non-Tenant Superusers: Editing is allowed if there is at least one active registration (and rank, if applicable) within the relevant hierarchy.
For Admins of International Affairs:
in single-tenant environments, editing is allowed for all Persons
in mulit-tenant environment, editing is allowed if there is at least one active registration within the hierarchy or outside any tenant.
For Tenant Superusers:
in single tenant environments, editing is allowed for all Persons
in mulit-tenant environment, editing is allowed if there is at least one active registration within tenant, or event participation within tenant, or person is associated with a user profile under the tenant.
Definition of Active Registrations
An active registration includes the following statuses:
Clubs Edit Person Data is a parameter that determines whether club roles, such as Club Referent and Club Registration Manager, can edit a person's data in the registration detail view. However, this is just one condition; the person must also have a registration within the club user's organization in one of the following statuses: Entered, Returned, or Returned INT