Search Players
The Search players function is used for searching through the database of registered players in the system. ▶ If a player was registered in COMET at some point, you will be able to find him/her through this function.
The menu item Search players will call up an empty search form, similar to the First registration form, to enter search criteria (see below).
For example, after entering ‘'Smith’' as the last name and pressing the Search button you will get a list of all players with the last name “Smith” (see below).
Note: The last column in the list shows the Club where the player is actively registered. If this field is empty, then the listed player does not have an active registration. That means that the player is available for registration.
Remember that it is possible to search using one or more fields on the form, in which case search criteria are combined. Also, note that you can use the wildcard character ( * ) when searching in text fields. For example, if you enter “Re*a” for the last name, the search results will show all players with last names starting with “Re” and ending with “a”.
Subject to authorizations, you can also use the Quick Search Box for a simpler and quicker access to result, not only to players, but also to other roles and entities in COMET, such as clubs, stadiums, competitions, etc.