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Ticket Status Changes

Every new message in a ticket thread can trigger the change of the ticket status. The current status of the ticket is visible on the top right in the Details panel.

change status.png

To change the status, click on New Message button on the top right of the Messages panel. After typing the message you want to send along with the ticket status update, click the Save button. A dropdown menu will then appear, presenting you with the available options for this ticket.

close ticket.png

The list of options depends on the ticket's current status, your user role in the system, the settings of your association, and other factors, as detailed in the table below. For more info on Support Ticket Statuses, check Support Workflows.

Each time the status of the ticket changes, or someone contributes to the conversation, all users involved in the ticket will get a new email notification, as shown in the examples below.

new mail.png
update mail.png

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