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Configuring Measurement Types

Every Measurement consists of different sets of measurement types (e.g. speed, weight, height, technical result, etc…) that are measured against all participants of the measurement. Workspace Admins and Coaches are able to create and adjust the types of entities they need to track, so units, measurement typesand templates can be configured and created according to the needs of your club..

The initial step of creating a Measurement Event is defining the Measurement Types.

To create a Measurement Type:

  • Select 📊 Measurement Types under the Performance menu on the left nav-bar

  • The list of all Measurement Type is displayed with two tabs Active*/ All, the list consists of the following details:

    • Name

    • Unit

    • Data type

    • Description

    • Default value status

    • The search box (use the search box to search the measurement types that are entered in the system)

  • Click on the ➕ Add button in the top right corner to create a new Measurement Type

  • This opens an Measurement Type Page to fill in the details:

    • About Tab:

      • Name

      • Description

      • Data type - choose between:

        • integer

        • decimal

        • text

        • date

        • datetime

        • true/false

        • list

        • file

      • According to the chosen datatype, the entry fields (for data) will be displayed.

      • Unit - the unit value in which the Measurmanet Type is going to be measured → Please choose from the units that you have defined in the system

      • Switch on buttons:

        • Show label - if this feature is turned on, this label of this type will be hidden from the results tab on Measurment Result tab

        • Active /Inactive - *only types that are set as active can be used on a Measurement event; inactive types are just displayed on the All tab

        • Deletable - the types that are set as non-deletable cannot be deleted by MyCOMET users

      • Once you have filled in the data hit the 💾 Save button

    • Configuration Tab

      • Depending on the datatype and unit you have selected in the previous tab, on the configuration tab, you will be able to configure the data entries for the measurement types. E.g:

        • If “date”/ ”datetime” is selected as the data type, on this tab you will be able to configure the date interval and text decoration (e.g. the color displayed in the calendar)

        • If text/ list is selected as the data type, on this tab you will be able to configure the text-decoration and the color

        • If decimal is the data type, on this tab you will be able to configure the range, text decoration and the color

      • Hit the Add button in the top-right corner of the configuration page to add the configuration to the

(grey lightbulb) Please take into account that Measurement types can be stored in the system without filling the configuration tab

  • Once you have entered all the data press 💾 the Save button

Created Measurement types are stored in the database and:

To delete the existing Measurement type hit the Bin icon in the top right corner of the Measurement Page

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