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Combination System

Competition Admins and Managers have the possibility to create and manage competitions organized as Parent and Child competitions (competition elements). This is often used when the competition needs to be organized in phases (groups, playoffs, etc.) and when the data settings of the parent competition need to be transferred/ copied to its competition elements (Child competitions).

Parent competitions are used as the superordinate competition to which other competition elements/ child competitions are added.

Create Parent Competition

  • Open the New Competition menu

  • Select a competition system "Combination".

  • Once you have completed all the mandatory fields, hit the Save button.

Add Competition Elements

  • Reach the Competition elements panel from the Parent Competition screen

  • Hit the ➕ Icon button to add a new competition element

  • This opens a New competition screen in with the settings data from the Parent competition

  • Once you have completed all the mandatory fields, hit the 💾 Save button.

Please take into account that you are able to rearrange competition elements from Parent Competition Screen

Add Parent Competition to Element

Although this should not be a regular course of action, In the case when a specific competition was created and started before its parent competition was created, you are still able to add Parent Competition to the already created Competition Element from the competition element screen.

ℹ️ Please make sure that you have already created a Competition that will be selected as the “Parent” before this.

To add Parent Competition to the Competition Element:

  • Reach the Competition page

  • Hit the✏️ Edit button

  • In edit mode, the Parent competition field is enabled

  • Select the Competition from the system

  • Hit the 💾 Save button.

Please take into account that in order to add a Parent competition to the Competition element:

  • Competition with the Combination selected as competition system needs to be created

  • The competition type of the Parent and Child competition needs to be the same

  • The number of teams in Child Competition needs to be less or equal than the number of teams in Parent Competion

  • All competitions in this process need to be in status ACTIVE

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