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Courses Menu

In case your tenant is using the COMET Course Management extension for coaching courses and licenses, you will be able to access and use the Courses Menu of the Mobile App.

We have now enabled the most important participant features of Course Management on the COMET Football Mobile Apps. By using the Mobile App, participants can now review their active and past courses, search for new courses, apply to courses, submit application surveys, and even pay electronically for course participation fees.

Please note that in order to be able to access and use the Courses Menu on the COMET Football Mobile App:

  • your tenant should be using the COMET Course Management

  • your user account needs to have one of the Course Management Related Roles (e.g. coach, referee, Course Admin, etc)

  • your COMET user account needs to be linked to a specific COMET Person Profile

Access the Courses

  • Select 🎓 Courses on the bottom command bar

  • This will open the courses menu which is designed as the searchable “Course Store”, i.e. the courses can be searched/ filtered by the name or license.

This page has two displays that can be switched:

  • Active Events (set by default)*

  • My Events**

*Please take into account that Courses that have the Active status switched off are hidden/ not displayed on this console

**Please take into account that all the courses that are related to participants are displayed; i.e. the course is displayed regardless of the applicant’s status

Apply to a Course

  • Choose the course from the list

  • Tap the course name

  • This will open the courses page with all relevant details about:

    • Application:

    • Pricing and Products

    • General Information:

  • In order to apply to the course/ seminar follow the instructions on the screen (e.g you might be required to submit the application or to purchase a relevant product)

For more details on Course Managment functionalities, workflow, and application please visit the Course Managment Manual at the following link:

For more details on purchasing items and paying for courses from your mobile app, please visit the following links:My Store | Purchasing-Items-from-the-Cart and

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