Loan Procedure
Loan Transfers are very common in the football world when clubs need additional or replacement players with short notice, or when they wish to send their players out to get valuable experience elsewhere. The Loan Transfer of a player follows the same procedure as the permanent transfer of a player as described in the following article: Domestic Transfer Procedure
Start of Loan
In the event of a Loan, the Engaging Club will access the profile of the player, enter New Registration, and then select the registration type Loan in the same discipline where the player is already registered for the Releasing Club (original club).

Upon submission of the registration by the Engaging Club, the Releasing Club will be notified by e-mail about the request of the Engaging Club.
The Releasing Club now needs to terminate the registration of the player for the Releasing Club, it in order for the process to continue. Before the Releasing Club terminates the registration, the new registration for Engaging Club cannot be confirmed.
The system allows termination of player registration with the Releasing Club even if there is an active contract of the player with that club, but only if there is a subsequent registration of type Loan that has been submitted by the Engaging Club.
Once the registration is terminated by the Releasing Club, the respective association (Player Administrators) in the hierarchy of the Engaging Club will be notified, and requested to review and confirm/reject the new registration, subject to standard registration workflow.
Following the confirmation of the new registration, relevant messages are sent to FIFA Connect ID and FIFA Clearing House.
End of Loan
The loan registration may expire automatically or can be terminated manually which triggers the automatic return of the player to the original club by automatic creation of return registration in ENTERED status.
This newly created registration starts one day after the date of termination of Loan registration. If the player has an active contract with the original club (which is often the case), this new registration is automatically linked to that contract.
It it the up to the original club to submit this registration, and then the governing body will review and approve or reject it.
Loan Agreement
The Loan Agreement may be entered by the Engaging Club (not the original club) after they have entered the new Loan registration, by using the option New Contract on that registration, under Options: After submission, the Loan Agreement is reviewed and approved or rejected, by the Governing Body, in same way as it is done for any Contract.
The Loan registration cannot be terminated before the respective Loan Agreement has been terminated. Therefore, at the end of loan, the contract/agreement should be terminated first. Changing the statuses of the Loan Contract does not influence the behavior in the system, and does not create or terminate player registration.
Loan to Permanent
This function of the system enables you to indicate that a loaned player has been “bought out” by the new (loan) club and released formally from the original club. In this scenario, the player will not return to the original club.
If a player should permanently stay with the loan club, then the original club should terminate all its active contracts, while the loan club should terminate its loan contract if it exists. If all contracts are in TERMINATED status, then the Loan registration offers “Loan to Permanent”.
Option Loan to permanent appears among Options of the Loan registration:

Picture 2.1 a) “Loan to permanent” option among Loan registration’s “Options”
Clicking the option opens a confirmation dialog with mandatory Date to field which indicates when the Loan registration ends, while the permanent registration starts from next day of that date. Date to is prefilled based on the End Date of the Loan registration (it may be empty if it has been not specified for Loan registration). The system will not allow entry of a date in the future, or a date prior to the Start Date of the Loan registration.

Picture 2.1 b) Loan to permanent confirmation dialog with “Date to” field
Clicking Ok button confirms the Loan to permanent action which ends the Loan registration and automatically creates a new permanent registration with the same club in CONFIRMED status.