Unservable Sanctions Console
The Disciplinary Module has now been upgraded with Unservable Sanctions Console. The Unservable Sanctions Console displays the list of all active sanctions that cannot be served in their respective scope. The information that lands in the console and the set of functionalities within this console will solve the scenarios that happen at the end of the season or in cases of player transfer.
Please take into account that authorization for this console and the execution of actions through the console is enabled for Disciplinary Administrators and Superusers.
Please read the examples below to understand what are the “unservable” cases that land on the Unservable Sanctions Console.
Example of a player who has been transferred from Club A to Club B
The sanction will be displayed on Unservable Sanctions Console if the player has been transferred from Club A to Club B with the remaining unserved matches moved from Club A (where sanction was received) to Club B (which is out of scope/reach of sanction). In that case, sanctions are not served when matches of Club B in that Competition are set to PLAYED.
As an authorized user you are able to update the competition of the sanction to the competition where Club B is in the scope/reach of the sanction.
Sanctions are served when matches of Club B in that Competition are set to PLAYED.
Example of a player who played the new season under a new competition
The sanction will be displayed on Unservable Sanctions Console if the player is supposed to play under a new competition in the new football season with the remaining unserved matches. In that case, the remaining sanction is not served under the old competition.
As an authorized user you are able to update the competition of the sanction to new competition and the player will be able to serve the remaining matches.
Sanctions are served when matches of Players Club in the new Competition are set to PLAYED.
To manage Sanctions from the Unservable Sanctions Console:
The workflow for managing the suspension and the serving scope of the sanction from this console is exactly the same as from the My Active Sanction Console.
Hit the Unservable Sanctions Console under the Disciplinary Menu on the left nav-bar
The list of all Unservable Sanctions is displayed the list consists of the following details:
Sanction ID
Offender type type
Offender ID
Status of the sanction
The Date range search (use to search sanctions of the specific period)
Click on the sanction from the list
This will open a page of the sanction’s Disciplinary case
Access the Sanction Panel and hit the pencil icon button on the right side of the sanction to set the Competition of the Sanction
Select the Competition
Hit the 💾 Save button
Please take into account that the update of Competition Sanction automatically updates the fields Suspension and Serving Scope, i.e. the newly selected competition is updated on all COMET entries of that sanction.