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Licensing Cycle Tabs

Once the License cycle is created, info tabs are generated depending on your chosen Application Type. Below, you will find the description of all Licensing Cycle Tabs.

Details Tab

The Details tab is the main tab of the cycle profile, and it is always displayed regardless of the selected Application type. The details tab displays all the details and entry fields that were listed in the previous section that can be edited by Licensing Admins at any point.

Managers Tab

The Managers tab is displayed on all cycles regardless of the selected Application type. It displays the list of all licensing managers assigned to the licensing cycle.

To add a new Licensing Manager:

  • Access the Managers Tab

  • Reach Add user search box

  • Select the Licensing Manager from the list

  • Hit the đź’ľ Save Icon button to assign the user as the manager

To delete/unassign the Licensing Manager from the Licensing Cycle:

  • Access the Managers Tab

  • Reach the User that you want to delete

  • Hit the Bin Icon button to delete the manager

Managers can manage Applications on the Cycle to which they have been assigned.

Categories Tab

Categories and evidence are defined for each cycle by the Licensing Administrator. The most common categories are Sporting, Legal, Infrastructure, Financial, and Personnel. The Licensing Administrator appoints Experts to one or more Application Categories.

The Categories tab is displayed on all cycles regardless of the selected Application type. It shows the list of all evidence categories required for the licensing.

The list consists of the following details:

  • Order Number

  • Notes

  • Mandatory indication

  • Total evidence required for Category

  • Active - activity status

  • Experts assigned

To add a new Category:

  • Access the Categories Tab

  • Hid the + Add button

  • This opens the new Category page to fill in the “About” details:

    • Name of Category

    • Notes

    • Order number

    • Notes

    • Experts - please select the expert from the system (users with the role of Licensing Managers and Experts) who will be assigned to the category. Each Category can have its specific Experts ​responsible for evaluating specific categories.​

    • the switch buttons “Active/ Inactive” (please take into account that inactive categories are not displayed on the All tab)

  • Hit the đź’ľ Save Icon button

To delete/ unassign the Category from the Licensing Cycle

  • Access the Categories Tab

  • Reach the Category that you want to delete

  • Hit the Bin Icon button

Category Preview

The Category Preview feature allows Administrators to conveniently visualize how the Category will look to the end-users, who will be entering the data into the form.

To see the Preview of a Licencing Category:

  • click on the Cycle on the left nav-bar

  • click on the Categories tab

  • choose one of the Categories (e.g. Administration)

  • click on a Preview button in the upper right corner of your screen to see how the Category will be presented to the end user


This opens a preview version of your licensing Category including Criteria and all Evidences. It shows Yes/No buttons, empty lines, a list of all possible answers, a calendar, Info buttons, and more, depending on the datatype you have set as a prerequisite to enter into the evidence.


Close the preview by clicking the Back button.


Download Preview

You can also download the preview of the category with its questions and instructions to a PDF. This is useful if you want to share the preview with Licensing Managers who do not have permissions to view/edit the cycle details. To download the PDF, simply click the "Download" button located at the top right corner of the preview screen.


This will save a copy of the form on your device, which you can then easily share as needed.



Once the Category is saved, the Evidences tab is automatically generated.

To add evidence to the category:

  • Access the Evidences Tab on the Category Page

  • Hid the + Add button

  • This opens the Evidences window to select:

    • The evidence from the system

    • The criteria from the system

  • Hit the đź’ľ Save Icon button

Applications Tab

The Application tab is displayed on all licensing cycles regardless of the selected Application type. The Application tab displays the list of all clubs, i.e., all club applicants, indicating their application status. The list consists of the following details:

  • Team name/Club ID

  • Parent organization/Country

  • For Review/Active


  • Status/In Status since

  • The Application Filter - use it to filter the application waiting for “IN REVIEW” or “ACTIVE.”

(grey lightbulb) Click on the Application from the list to open a Profile of the Applicant Club.

Items Tab

If Pay after approval, Just Pay, or Pay Later is selected as the Application Mode, the Items tab will be displayed on the Licensing Cycle profile.

Please check the following links for more instructions on managing the Cycle Items from the Item tab:

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