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The Payments Module enables associations to price and electronically collect monetary amounts related to various processes (scenarios) in the COMET system. Please note that the integration of COMET with a selected payment gateway provider is required in order to receive payments online.

The system may trigger automated execution of actions in COMET following a successful payment transaction, e.g. it can deactivate the monetary sanction upon full payment of monetary fee, or it can confirm player registration upon payment of the registration fee by the club.

The most common scenarios are payment of disciplinary sanctions, player and coach registration fees, and competition and course participation fees:


Scenario Description and Impact on COMET

Player Registrations by Club

Club pays yearly membership fee for all its registered players.
Players are ineligible until the registration has been paid (with a grace period).

Coach/Staff Membership by Club

Club pays yearly membership fee for all its registered Coaches/Staff.
Coaches/Staff are ineligible until the registration has been paid (with a grace period).

Discipline – Monetary Sanctions by Club

Club pays monetary sanctions for itself, its players and staff.
Players are ineligible to play until the sanction has been paid (with a grace period).

Competition Participation by Club

Club registers its participation to a competition.
Clubs are added to list of participating clubs in that competition.

Course Participation by Coach/Staff

Coaches pay the participation fee for a course/seminar.
Coaches are added as participants of the respective course/seminar.

The functionalities and features of the Payments Module, that are applied to any scenario are listed below:


Functionalities and Features

Dynamic Item Definition

In these scenarios, the items will be rendered dynamically. E.g. the club will only be able to pay for registrations that have been previously entered in the COMET system.

Static Item Definition

In these scenarios, the items will be created explicitly by the Governing Body. E.g. when creating a competition, the Governing Body will define and price Competition Entry Fees for the Clubs.

Price Lists

Various types of prices per period can be defined, e.g. early-bird prices, regular prices, or last-minute prices.

Electronic Payments

Payments can be made electronically using payment options provided by the Payment Gateway, such as Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Paypal, etc.

Manual Payment

In the event that the payment is not executed electronically through the system, but e.g. in cash or bank transfer outside of the system, it can be updated manually by the Governing Body.

Single vs Group Payment

Possibility to pay single or multiple items at once. In case that multiple items are selected, they need to be of the same item type.

Reports and Statistics

History of Transactions, Overdue Unpaid Items, Total Amounts per Club or Item, Notifications.

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